Being arrested for assault in Sugar Land is no laughing matter. The District Attorney is very unlikely to take a soft approach to your case and handle it with kid gloves. They view assault as a violent crime committed not just against the alleged victim – but the entire Sugar Land community. If you’re convicted, you could face a lengthy prison term, be forced to pay fines, and suffer a permanently damaged reputation.
A Sugar Land criminal defense Lawyer can represent your best interests. No matter what your arrest report says, you are innocent until a jury of your peers finds you guilty. Blass Law is a criminal defense firm that fights to raise reasonable doubt in the minds of jurors. We intend to win every case we take on.
Meet Attorney Jay Blass Cohen, our Sugar Land Assault Lawyer
Our founding partner, Attorney Cohen, has years of experience protecting his clients from criminal charges. He’s more than a lawyer; with his countless certifications, he’s something of a lawyer/scientist. He uses forensic evidence to get to the bottom of criminal cases and reveal the truth behind alleged crimes.
Some of his most recent case results include:
- Our client was accused of grabbing the complainant by the neck and throwing them to the ground. Attorney Cohen got this case dismissed in Harris County.
- Out of respect for the involved families, we don’t want to reveal the intimate details of this case that allegedly involved the continuous sexual assault of a child. Still, our legal team secured a “not guilty” verdict in Harris County court.
We’re committed to giving you a fresh start after facing assault charges.
For a legal consultation with an assault lawyer serving Sugar Land, call 713-225-1900
How Can Our Sugar Land Assault Lawyer Help?
A Sugar Land family member assault lawyer can help you first and foremost by fighting for your future. A conviction for a violent crime is something that follows you for the rest of your life. The conviction becomes part of your criminal record, which could leave you explaining your side of the story for years and years to come. What’s worse, with a conviction, no one may take your story to heart.
We know what it means to have an assault conviction on your record, and we work tirelessly to secure the best possible outcome in your case. We will put together a comprehensive plan that protects your rights and attacks the prosecution’s evidence.
How Does Blass Law’s Sugar Land Assault Lawyer Fight Cases?
We take a comprehensive approach to criminal defense. We not only look for witnesses and evidence that could exonerate you, but we also take a critical look at the prosecution’s case. If there are inconsistencies in eyewitness testimony, or perhaps an ulterior motive for a witness to testify against you, our team will work hard to discover that and show it to the jury.
Additionally, we look at the case from a procedural perspective. If the arresting officer made an error in the arrest procedure or lacked probable cause to arrest you, we can use that mistake to your advantage. We will also make sure that you’re thoroughly prepared for trial, along with all our witnesses. By doing all these things, we give you the best possible opportunity to remain free.
Sugar Land Assault Attorney 713-225-1900
Our Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving Sugar Land Gets Results
The penalties of an assault conviction are serious. After your conviction, you’ll be left with a criminal record, which may disqualify you from certain jobs, educational opportunities, or even housing. If you’re convicted of a felony assault charge, you can also lose your second amendment rights––your right to lawfully own a firearm.
When the stakes are this high, doesn’t it make sense to have a Sugar Land assault lawyer with a history of winning assault cases for his clients? As noted, we have won assault cases in Harris County, and we want to win for you, too. We shoot for a “not guilty” verdict and nothing less.
Click to contact our Sugar Land Criminal Defense Lawyer today
The Legal Definition of Assault in Sugar Land
Texas law specifies numerous different behaviors and actions that constitute assault. You run the risk of being charged with “simple” assault in Sugar Land if the police or prosecutor believes there is evidence that shows you:
- Willfully or recklessly contacted another person (including your spouse) in a manner that could have, or did, cause them bodily harm.
- Threatened another person (including your spouse) with bodily harm when there is reason to believe you intend to carry out that threat.
- Made or initiated contact with another person in a manner that a reasonable person would perceive as aggressive or expressing your desire for a physical confrontation.
Most people think they can’t be charged with assault unless they strike or punch someone, but that is not the case. A shove or a threat made in the middle of an intense argument can easily result in an assault arrest. Your Sugar Land assault lawyer can clear up any misunderstandings that could result in a criminal conviction.
Potential Penalties for a Sugar Land Assault Conviction
The potential penalties for an assault conviction in Sugar Land will depend on the circumstances of the crime. Simple assault is usually charged as a Class A misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $4,000. However, the same crime can be charged as a felony if one of the following criteria is met:
- The alleged victim is a “vulnerable victim,” such as a child or elderly parent.
- The alleged perpetrator inflicted serious bodily harm.
- The alleged victim is a Texas state or city employee who was conducting official business at the time of the assault.
- The alleged perpetrator used a weapon or another dangerous object to commit the crime.
An assault under any of those circumstances would be elevated to a third-degree felony. If you were convicted of third-degree felony assault in Texas, you would be sentenced to two to 10 years in a Texas prison and face a fine of up to $10,000.
Other assault cases, such as those involving the use of a weapon or resulting in severe bodily injury to the victim, can result in second, or even first-degree felonies. That comes with even more severe penalties, including prison terms of up to 99 years for a first-degree felony and a fine.
Complete an Assault Case Evaluation form now
Start Your Case Evaluation With Our Sugar Land Assault Lawyers
An assault arrest doesn’t have to lead to an assault conviction. You have the right to a fair trial, and a Sugar Land assault lawyer from Blass Law can help you make sure that happens. We will fight for your freedom and give the quality criminal defense you deserve. However, that can’t happen until you put us on the case.
If you’ve been arrested for assault, and you’re not sure about your next move, we invite you to consult with one of our Sugar Land assault lawyers. We’ll be happy to give you an idea about how we would fight your case and help you maintain your freedom. Blass Law is here for you when the outcome matters most. Call us today and get answers to your questions.
Call or text 713-225-1900 or complete a Case Evaluation form