Thanks to the Harris County District Attorney’s office for putting it out there. If you’ve had anything to drink over the New Year’s weekend, you’re probably going to jail. The encounter with police will go something like this: You get pulled over for a traffic offense (speeding, swerving, going too slow, etc.). Don’t admit to …
Should you refuse a breath test during the holidays?
Driving after you’ve been drinking during the holidays is risky. Cops are out more than ever this time of year. Typically, you get pulled over for some traffic offense. Don’t argue with the cop. You have nothing to gain. Don’t admit to anything (i.e. drinking, driving, riding a reindeer, stealing all of the presents from Whoville). Next, you’re going to be …
New lower blood alcohol law in Utah
Is 0.05 the new 0.08 for blood-alcohol levels?? Utah state lawmakers voted to lower the legal limit for a driver’s blood-alcohol concentration from 0.08 to 0.05. If the Governor signs the bill, it would go into effect December 30, 2018. Depending on a person’s size, drinking as little as one drink could send someone to jail. …
Houston No-Refusal Policy in Place Though Warrants are Still Required for DWI Blood Tests
Fourth Amendment Stands Strong The Supreme Court has ruled that the dissipation of blood alcohol levels over time does not create an “exigent circumstance” to allow police to take a blood specimen without a warrant in a typical DWI arrest. The Court does not state that a warrant is always necessary, but for a routine …
No Refusal program over New Year’s in Harris County
This New Year’s eve, Harris County officials will be utilizing search warrants to force blood draws on suspected drunk drivers. Citizens suspected of driving while intoxicated are typically asked to submit a sample of their breath to determine the breath alcohol concentration. During a No Refusal weekend, if a citizen refuses to give a sample …